
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Day, New Story

A new day brings a new story. I have had many little mama stories to tell since my last blog. But no time to tell them. Sure, I could have made the time to write. But I didn't.  I felt a lot pressure to write on Mother's Day. This is a Mom Blog, after all. But I didn't. Geez, I should have at least sent a "shout out" to you moms the day after Mom's day, or at least an inquisitive, "Hey, fellow Mama, are you as tired-arse as me, today?" But I didn't.

I feel so guilty, but I know you understand. I am not a professional mom-blogger. Do not expect me to blog every day, that will not happen. I get moody, tired, distracted, in the least. Then, on top of that, life throws that curveball. Thankfully not directly at our family, but to a few of my close friends as of late. We all can relate to that. The rumor, the call, the announcement, the caringbridge site, and the worst news.

Some of our family friends are in the Valley of Darkness, not my favorite phrase, but it's universal... moving on.  We can and should help them in any way. And we do—through delivered meals, promises to babysit or chauffeur, and donations of any kind. To pray. To listen. To offer a shoulder to lean on or to cry on. We offer to help in any way, and we hope they take us for our word, yet we know they will not accept all of our promises.  But our promises are there for the taking. Unconditionally.


My 4-year-old daughter brought home an "Owie Report" from preschool today.  Our preschool is parent-participation, so the note is signed by a fellow Mama. Among other scribbles, I read, "Sophia was very brave and cute as always!"  Hand-written green sharpie on a scrap of white paper.  And it is now one of my most valued treasures. Testament to her bravery... and cuteness. In ink. 2011.

We all warrant an "Owie Report" from time to time.  But us adults have to pretend that green sharpies on white paper won't cut it. To that I say, don't insult the intelligence of our youngest generation by not writing your thoughts Even if you are at the last option—and likely most important—option on the "Owie Report" typed:

"___Other   Explain___".

XO Breeze

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