
Monday, February 7, 2011

The One Day Knitting Club

I am blessed. I have a special group of gal pals that I adore, admire, and will cherish forever.  When I thought of starting a Knitting Club (of non-knitters), I was sure I would start a new über cool mama club, with the aforementioned group of über cool mom gal pals.  A Knitting Club for Moms, no kids allowed.  No metro-sexual husbands allowed neither. We could express our creativity through yards of 50% wool, 25% cashmere, 15% nylon, and 10% organic cotton. More importantly, we could gab about our mama lives, the ups and downs whilst knit one, purl one. Creating something.

We will make history!... inspired by all crafty women before us throughout history.  That's right, I'm even claiming that our club would add a little smidgen to women's history!  Bold, yes, I know.  Be as excited as I am at this point, unknowing to the reality check that comes next...

Reality check: We didn't need yarn n needles to bond. We already had US.  I didn't see that on this night of knitting, pathetically knitting. One gal pal crocheting, which meant the club was already getting complicated...sheesh! Wine was readily available, but, wouldn't you know, we creative mamas were all so dang set on learning to knit or crochet that barely a drop of alcohol was consumed that night. We were all trying so hard to concentrate, to focus, to cast on!

I call it the One Day Knitting Club because that's exactly what is was. One Day. Of Knitting. Of the Club. An outsider might see this as a failure of sorts. But for me, not at all. I will never forget that night because it unknowingly highlighted a big aspect of Motherhood.  We long so much to gather together with kids, without kids, with the whole family (birthday parties seem to fulfill this need), with ANY excuse to meet over coffee or wine. We simply need each other. We need adult company. We need to bounce our thoughts off of a "fellow" female.

And we laugh together.  Like when my long lost panties found its well-earned place neatly tied in the most beautiful festive bow, hugging the stem of my chilled "Winter Formal" wine glass at My Beloved Friend's holiday party.  Those In The Know knew. Kinda like a club... a Lifetime Mama Club.

xoxo Breeze

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